Mr. McKain's Blog

Welcome to the class blog. This page will serve as a way for me to communicate with my students and their parents and provide students with the opportunity to ask questions and make comments about assignments. Please check out the full class website as well!

Location: Seaford, Delaware, United States

Monday, October 23, 2006


Welcome students and parents. I know this does not look like a traditional website for a class; that is because it is not. This is what is called a web log, or "blog" for short. This will allow me to post homework assignments and the agenda for each day so that those who are absent can easily access what we did from anywhere they can find a computer. Also, this site allows for comments and discussions in case questions arise about certain assignments. As of right now, all comments are approved by me first, so please keep it clean and about class information or your comment will not be approved. You may need to register to make comments. Registration is free and easy and they do not bother you with spam emails or anything like that. I'll be adding links that you might find interesting as I get more time to fix this up. Like all web pages, it is a constant work in progress. Please check back often for updates!


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