Mr. McKain's Blog

Welcome to the class blog. This page will serve as a way for me to communicate with my students and their parents and provide students with the opportunity to ask questions and make comments about assignments. Please check out the full class website as well!

Location: Seaford, Delaware, United States

Monday, November 20, 2006

Monday, November 20th Agenda

Sorry for the lack of a post on Friday. We took an open-notebook quiz, did a current event, and watched a review video. At any rate, here is today's agenda:

1. Warm-up: If you found $10 on the floor one day, what would you spend it on? Would this item cost you anything (would you be giving something up)? Explain.
2. Introduce mini-unit on economics.
3. Video: Introduction to Economics
4. Key Terms worksheet from video
5. Discussion: Supply, Demand, and Prices
6. HW: Pick any good or service. List 3 things that would change the demand for this product and 2 things that would change the supply for this product.

We are doing a mini-unit on economics. With the break a day away, I couldn't see starting the Revolution, only to have you forget it over the 5 days you are gone. Economics is part of the state curriculum and will make up 1/4 of the social studies DSTP in May. It is important you pay attention in class as this is not in your textbook.


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