Mr. McKain's Blog

Welcome to the class blog. This page will serve as a way for me to communicate with my students and their parents and provide students with the opportunity to ask questions and make comments about assignments. Please check out the full class website as well!

Location: Seaford, Delaware, United States

Monday, October 30, 2006

Monday's Agenda

1. Warm-up: What do you think is the most important event that we have studied so far?
2. Timeline Activity
3. Review Timelines
4. HW: --Finish Paragraph from timeline activity (due tomorrow) & p. 123 #’s1-5 (due Wednesday)

The purpose of today's lesson is to review what we have covered so far and to establish where we are chronologically as far as the history of colonial America. Also, we are addressing history standard 1 by looking at cause and effect relationships evident in the timeline. (See, and you guys just thought I was torturing you ;-))


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