Mr. McKain's Blog

Welcome to the class blog. This page will serve as a way for me to communicate with my students and their parents and provide students with the opportunity to ask questions and make comments about assignments. Please check out the full class website as well!

Location: Seaford, Delaware, United States

Monday, December 11, 2006

Monday, December 11th Agenda

Thursday we spent the day doing research in the media center. On Friday, individuals presented their research and students wrote their own mini-biographies about how the events of their own lives have shaped who they are today. Sorry the website was not updated!

Now, on to today's agenda:

1. Warm-up: What does the phrase “common sense” mean? Give an example of something you think involves “common sense”.
2. Review where we left off
3. Notes: From War to Independence
4. Read: “Declaring Independence” in Hakim silently
5. KWL Chart
6. Finish Video from Friday and complete worksheet
7. HW: p. 176 #1-4


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